Repository layout and re-arranging

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Oct 2 06:40:06 BST 2006

Ross Burton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a bit of a re-arrange of my bzr repositories and would
> appreciate some feedback/help.
> At the moment I have a bzr repository at ~/Programming/cvs/postr that
> contains the source of Postr (my Flickr uploader).  To share that
> repository to the world I push it to ~/htdocs/bzr/postr, that gets
> rsynced periodically to my web server.  That worked fine when I was the
> only maintainer and I got a few patches, but now I want to have multiple
> branches (stable/development).
> I've read about using bzr init-repo to create a repository which shared
> data from multiple branches, then creating two branches with bzr init,
> something like this:
> $ cd ~/htdocs/bzr/
> $ bzr init-repo postr
> $ cd postr
> $ bzr init
> Note how the repository is in my htdocs so others can branch it.  I'd
> then do a *checkout* of to my work directory and branch it to
> postr.stable when I want to maintain a stable branch.

The checkout into your working directory is certainly how I would do it.

There are only a few things I might change...

Where are you planning on putting the stable branch?

Right now, if I understand correctly, you have:

Are you planning on making

A full branch, with stable?

There is no problem with this, but some people prefer not to nest their

> Does this seem reasonable?  I'm not over-complicating anything am I?

Not really. I use a similar setup between my public location and my
working location. In my case, they are separate machines on the same
local network.

> Assuming this is reasonable, I have one important question: how do I
> import all of the history that is currently in my postr repository into
> the new branch?
> Thanks,
> Ross

The new branch is just another branch. So I would normally just do:
bzr branch current ../

However, since you already did 'bzr init' there, you can:
cd ../
bzr pull /path/to/original/postr


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