[PATCH] small win32-related fix for test_on_vfat

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Sat Sep 30 10:11:58 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> +1.  I also propose we make TestCase.build_tree use binary mode by
>> default, even though this is a slight API break.
>> Aaron
> But +1 from me on the patch, I'll put it in my queue of things to merge.
> I agree, but nobody has every explained why we default to native, and
> I'd like to hear that before we decide.

I think it's because all first implementations for bzr written on Linux 
and Linux does not have difference between "text" and "binary" mode for 
text files. So I second +1 to use binary mode by default. For the most 
of the tests there is no real reason to have CRLF line-endings in files 
on windows.


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