0.12 Roadmap
Martin Pool
mbp at canonical.com
Thu Sep 28 02:45:17 BST 2006
On 27 Sep 2006, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> As previously announced, I'm going to be your Release Manager for
> bzr-0.12.
(Am I the only one reminded of "... and as we reach cruising altitude,
I'll switch off the seatbelts sign..." :-)
More seriously, this mail is a great start; as much as anything else I
think the RM role is about keeping people on the right glide path.
Debian and Ubuntu sometimes do 'bug days' as a way to get everyone to
focus just on that for a day, perhaps we should too.
> To prevent collisions, I would recommend that we stake out a couple bugs
> in advance. If people find it difficult to get started, I'm more than
> willing to do some bug triaging and assign related bugs to specific people.
I think that's a good plan. Let's make use of the bug assignment
feature in doing this. If a bug was assigned a long time ago, then
perhaps check with the person if it still really belongs to them. But
when you take one, take it in Launchpad so that it's clear.
> Martin Pool
> - Tags https://features.launchpad.net/products/bzr/+spec/tags
> He's studied the proposals... He's written the spec... Now let's see
> the results. I'll get a chance to see him in person, so I'll make sure
> to turn the thumbscrews. :)
I've just updated it a lot; after reviewing it with Robert I'm going to
add in some more use cases.
I think one reason this was frustrating in the past is that we'd get a
long way into detailed design and then have disagreements about
fundamental assumptions. That's nothing against the people raising the
queries or objections, just that we weren't approaching it from the
right direction.
What I've tried to do now is list the use cases in a way that tries to
make minimum assumptions about how it's implemented. Hopefully we can
agree about which cases are valid and which are important, and then
secondly make an assessment of whether the proposed design satisfies
> - Smart Server
> https://features.launchpad.net/products/bzr/+spec/smart-server
> Andrew Bennetts and Martin have shown that us what RPC can do for a
> simple Transport. See
> http://bazaar-vcs.org/Performance/0.11#push-time
> and look times for 'bzr-0.11 smart'
> Let's see what we can do when we have intelligence behind it.
Those two things sound good to me to do.
There are a few other things on my plate:
- better presentation of branches in launchpad.net, for which I'm
meeting with Tim from Canonical
- clearing up and organizing the manual, which was Aarons' one thing
for me last time
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