bzr <cmd> help -- Synopsis syntax should follow de facto conventions

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Thu Sep 21 01:46:47 BST 2006

Jari Aalto <jari.aalto at> writes:

>     $ bzr help checkout
>     usage: bzr checkout [BRANCH_LOCATION] [TO_LOCATION]

This tells you (syntactically) that BRANCH_LOCATION is optional,
i.e. can be omitted.

>     If BRANCH_LOCATION is omitted,

This tells you (descriptively) that BRANCH_LOCATION is optional,
i.e. can be omitted.

There's no inconsistency in what you presented that I can see.

 \          "Writing a book is like washing an elephant: there no good |
  `\        place to begin or end, and it's hard to keep track of what |
_o__)                           you've already covered."  -- Anonymous |
Ben Finney

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