bzr <cmd> help -- Synopsis syntax should follow de facto conventions

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Sep 21 00:49:53 BST 2006

Jari Aalto wrote:
> Please take a moment to review all help texts to next release. Take
> for an example:
>     $ bzr help checkout
>     usage: bzr checkout [BRANCH_LOCATION] [TO_LOCATION]
>     aliases: co
>     Create a new checkout of an existing branch.
>     If BRANCH_LOCATION is omitted, checkout will reconstitute a working tree for
>     the branch found in '.'. This is useful if you have removed the working tree
>     or if it was never created - i.e. if you pushed the branch to its current
>     location using SFTP.
> While the text explains it, the Synopsis reads:
>     usage: bzr checkout [BRANCH_LOCATION] [TO_LOCATION]
> which would suggest that both parameters are optional. In Unix manul
> page parlance (de facto) it is customary to use syntax:

Both parameters *are* optional. If you go into a directory which has a
Branch but no working tree, typing 'bzr checkout' will create a working

The formats for 'bzr checkout [BRANCH_LOCATION] [TO_LOCATION]' is
actually created by the argument parsing logic, which does know what
arguments are optional, and what arguments are required.


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