how to verify gpg-signed commits
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Thu Sep 14 23:28:59 BST 2006
James Henstridge wrote:
> On 10/09/06, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
>> James Henstridge wrote:
>> > On 5/10/06, John A Meinel <john at> wrote:
>> >> Do you have a public branch of this project? I found the tarball, and
>> >> I'm interested in investigating it. But I always like to keep a local
>> >> mirror, just in case I want to submit some changes.
>> >
>> > Yeah. It is at
>> Has this been updated in a while? The last time I tried it, it would
>> segfault on anything that was not Ubuntu. (FC4, Mac, Win32).
> I haven't updated it in a while, but it gives good coverage of the
> gpgme-1.0.x API. I'll have to look at wrapping the new 1.1.x APIs at
> some point though.
> There is only one crasher bug I've run into with the current version
> (to do with listing/reading keys), and that turned out to be a
> double-free bug in gpgme itself. That bug was fixed in 1.1.0 though.
> If you can provide details of the crash, I can take a look at it.
> James.
Well, probably that was the bug, because at least now everything runs
without a segfault on FC4 with
However, quite a few of the tests fail. Specifically:
FAIL: test_keylist_mode (gpgme.tests.test_context.ContextTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jameinel/dev/bzr/pygpgme/gpgme/tests/",
line 95, in test_keylist_mode
self.assertRaises(gpgme.GpgmeError, set_keylist_mode, ctx, 128)
AssertionError: GpgmeError not raised
FAIL: test_key1 (gpgme.tests.test_keys.KeyTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jameinel/dev/bzr/pygpgme/gpgme/tests/", line
71, in test_key1
self.assertEqual(key.subkeys[1].fpr, None)
AssertionError: '0625D8580ABB0BD430B5862E659A6AC69BC3B085' != None
FAIL: test_key2 (gpgme.tests.test_keys.KeyTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jameinel/dev/bzr/pygpgme/gpgme/tests/", line
127, in test_key2
self.assertEqual(key.subkeys[1].fpr, None)
AssertionError: 'A283D12125B64FE40437E964A95221D00DCBDD64' != None
FAIL: test_revoked (gpgme.tests.test_keys.KeyTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jameinel/dev/bzr/pygpgme/gpgme/tests/", line
183, in test_revoked
self.assertEqual(key.subkeys[1].fpr, None)
AssertionError: '3C67C7748BE5A26665E10869E50B59CF50CE4D54' != None
Ran 53 tests in 12.417s
Now, all of the tests pass for libgpgme11 (1.1.0-1 on Ubuntu Dapper).
Judging by the error, I don't know that these tests are 100% meant to
pass. (It looks like gpgme-1.1.0 is giving incomplete data that
gpgme-1.1.2-19 is returning).
I haven't been able to test on the Mac yet, because darwinports decided
to be uncooperative when I wanted to update everything.
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