[step 08] request: 12 steps towards a high performance server

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Sep 13 18:50:58 BST 2006


>    http://people.ubuntu.com/~andrew/bzr/lock_read-lock_write-raise-TransportNotPossible/
>      allow lock_read and lock_write to raise TransportNotPossible.  This branch
>      accidentally has some refactoring of url handling in transports in it
>      (possibly really belonging to extra-transport-tests?) too.

I personally prefer to have real tests rather than doc tests where possible.

         """Return the full url to the given relative path.
         This can be supplied with a string or a list
+        """

We haven't supported a 'list' in a really long time. The docstring
should be updated.

This actually has more SFTP refactoring than lock refactoring. So your
note is a little incorrect, but the code looks good. +1


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