reverse merge....

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Mon Sep 11 16:26:13 BST 2006

"Erik Bågfors" <zindar at> writes:

>> Indeed, I wonder if it would be worth having a "bzr connect"/"bzr
>> disconnect" (most likely as a plugin) to say wether commit should be
>> local or not. I think I would be using it.
> bzr bind, bzr unbind, what more do you want?
> I agree the connect and disconnect are better words, since we are not
> really talking about bound branches anymore.

Well, first thing is that "unbind" doesn't remember the URL, so you
have to type it again for "bind".

And second thing, "bind" won't work on diverged branches. So, although
the concept is quite the same, the UI is a bit different, you have to
merge explicitely, and then bind, while it would be convenient to
"reconnect" and then use the same UI as "commit --local", i.e. update
& friends.

For this point, perhaps "bind" should just set the bound branch and do
nothing else anyway?


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