Error importing baz 1.x branch

Michal Čihař michal at
Tue Sep 5 10:28:43 BST 2006


On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 21:22:28 -0400
Aaron Bentley < at> wrote:

> This looks like another instance of bug 3270:
> I.e., you have a revision which changes a symlink into a file.

I'm not aware of any symlinks being used in any of branches, but it's
quite old, so my memory can't be taken as evidence :-).

>  Changing
> file types isn't supported yet.  I've posted a patch to the list recently:
> Does this fix it for you?

No, fails with same error. Any chance to get more verbose output out of
bazaar so that I can see which revision caused this error? I just run
conversion over my current repository and it failed with same error.

	Michal Čihař | |
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