NEWS file management
Martin Pool
mbp at
Mon Sep 4 03:09:59 BST 2006
On 4 Sep 2006, Robert Collins <robertc at> wrote:
> Hi, I'd like to propose a change to the way NEWS is managed.
> I'd like to be able to answer the following questions during the release
> process:
> * Whats new from this release to the last major release (0.11rc1 ->
> 0.10, 0.11rc2->0.10, 0.11->0.10). This is used for describing the full
> changes relevant to upgraders.
> * Whats new in this release compared to the immediate previous one
> (0.11rc2 -> 0.11rc1, 0.11->0.11rc2, 0.11rc1->0.10).
> Currently it has sections for 0.10, 0.9 etc going back along trunk.
> Clearly when we branch for release the sections in trunk stop being
> updated.
> So, heres my proposal:
> At each point release, we start new sections in NEWS - rather than
> editing and reusing the existing INTERNALS etc sections.
> Additionally, after each release is done, we merge just NEWS from that
> branch into the mainline, so that mainline NEWS always contains all the
> NEWS items from every branch.
> Then to answer the first question above, I collate the sections in the
> main NEWS from the release to the one I want to stop at.
> To answer the second question, I just take one release area from the
> NEWS file.
> Seeking +1's.
If by 'point release' you include release candidates, then yes, +1 from
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