NEWS file management

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Sep 4 03:06:24 BST 2006

Hi, I'd like to propose a change to the way NEWS is managed.

I'd like to be able to answer the following questions during the release

 * Whats new from this release to the last major release (0.11rc1 ->
0.10, 0.11rc2->0.10, 0.11->0.10). This is used for describing the full
changes relevant to upgraders.
 * Whats new in this release compared to the immediate previous one
(0.11rc2 -> 0.11rc1, 0.11->0.11rc2, 0.11rc1->0.10).

Currently it has sections for 0.10, 0.9 etc going back along trunk.
Clearly when we branch for release the sections in trunk stop being

So, heres my proposal:

At each point release, we start new sections in NEWS - rather than
editing and reusing the existing INTERNALS etc sections.

Additionally, after each release is done, we merge just NEWS from that
branch into the mainline, so that mainline NEWS always contains all the
NEWS items from every branch.

Then to answer the first question above, I collate the sections in the
main NEWS from the release to the one I want to stop at. 

To answer the second question, I just take one release area from the
NEWS file.

Seeking +1's.


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