Bzr 0.10 release candidate 1

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Mon Aug 28 15:50:19 BST 2006

Hey Aaron,

> - switch to optparse
> [], it just
> wasn't described that way in the release notes.

This wasn't mentioned in high/medium priority in the goals mail.

> - put the documentation online
> []

This wasn't in Robert's mail.

> There has been progress on other areas, like dirstate, unique-root ids,
> the smart server, but they weren't ready in time for the release cutoff.

Ah, that's good news.  So the proposed goals are being worked on and
0.10 is becoming a maintenance release rather than what originally
proposed.  Thanks for explaining.

Is there a place to track the candidate landing time of these
features, or for now "they're ready when they are"?

Gustavo Niemeyer

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