nested and partial tree

William Dode wilk-ml at
Thu Aug 24 11:42:24 BST 2006


I would like your advice for this situation.

I've somes projects that are libraries in differents versions, theses 
project contains the code of the library but also documentation, 
I've somes projects that use theses libraries but need only the code of 
the libraries.

Example of a library :

                libcode\thecode is here

I use two solutions for the project :

                 code\ code of the project
                 lib\ = symlink of ~\mylib\lib-1.0\lib


                 ext\ = checkout of ~\mylib\lib-1.0\
                 lib\ = symlink of ..\ext\libcode

Of course the second solution is more clean, i need to do an update 
manualy when i want to upgrade to the last revision of mylib, and i can 
also make somes local changes...

What i did with cvs was

                 lib\ = checkout of ~\mylib\lib-1.0\libcode

I wanted also to remark that we speak everytime about bazaar to work 
with others people but it's also very usefull for standalone projects, 
for history and when we take care of differents versions...

William Dodé -

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