Meld's Bazaar support

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Thu Aug 24 01:18:33 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

> Aaron Bentley wrote:
> > Under that interpretation, it would be easy to write shims to
> > allow proprietary clients to use GPLed libraries, and distribute
> > only the shims in source form.
> Isn't that what the 'nvidia' binary drivers do?

How is that relevant? The non-free 'nvidia' drivers are considered to
be illegal to distribute by kernel hackers including Greg
Kroah-Hartman, and at least Novell has stated they won't distribute
them for that reason.

Are you suggesting this is a situation to be emulated with 'bzrlib'?

> And there is no legal issue with me taking GPL code and bundling it
> into a proprietary program, as long as I don't distribute that
> program without giving out the source.

Distribution of the source is insufficient. To satisfy the GPL on a
work you must distribute the entire derived work (whether in source or
any other form) under the GPL, or not at all.

> Certainly you can say there is no problem with me using a GPL
> library in a program that I have at home, if I never share that
> program with anyone else. GPL is a distribution and copying license.


 \        "I took it easy today. I just pretty much layed around in my |
  `\      underwear all day. ... Got kicked out of quite a few places, |
_o__)                           though."  -- Bug-Eyed Earl, _Red Meat_ |
Ben Finney

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