[ANN] Olive 0.1 released
Szilveszter Farkas
szilveszter.farkas at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 13:23:45 BST 2006
First I'd like to thank you for your feedback.
> 1) For windows users is better to create launcher *.bat or at least
> rename olive-gtk to olive-gtk.py. You can see in setup.py of bzr itself
> how the best way to do this.
Okay, I'll have a look at bzr's setup.py...
> 2) It seems that your Olive works. But only when installed via setup.py.
> Otherwise it cannot to find their icons. And Olive require to have bzr
> installed in system. It's OK for end-users, but slightly inconveniently
> for developers.
I know about the 'cannot-run-without-install' issue, I'm working to
find a good solution for this.
About the other thing: what would you suggest? I think it's pretty
obvious to have bzr installed on the system. Why is it a problem for
> 3) On Windows Olive *should* allow to change current drive letter. It's
> not Linux where all directories lie in /. On Windows user can
> potentially has several drives: C:, D:, etc.
Oops, good point. A workaround until I fix this one: start olive from
the wanted drive (of course, you'll need to restart olive if you want
to switch drives).
Szilveszter / phanatic
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