multiple users at the same time on one repo...

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Mon Aug 21 21:00:19 BST 2006


A few times something has happened that I wanted to mail about a long
time ago, but never did.

I have a --trees repo with and bzr.0.9 and .....
What has happened to my many times is that I've been trying to pull
into multiple of these branches at the same time, only to get a
message saying that the repository is locked (with a pretty cryptic
message, that I can't remember right now).

I don't think this is very good, because I get this problem when it's
just me with multiple branches in a repo.  What if we are multiple
developers using multiple branches in the same repo?  This could scale
and become a real problem then I think.

The situation that I'd love to see is to replace svn with bzr but
still allow people to work the same way (in a centralized manner).
That would mean that many developers are using checkouts on multiple
branches in that same repo at the same time.

I think that locking will become a serious problem then.   I haven't
tried to do this yet, but it should be fairly easy to test what

Has anyone put any thoughts into this? Will this become a real problem
in the scenario above?

Erik (on his honeymoon... not kidding :) )
google talk/jabber. zindar at
SIP-phones: sip:erik_bagfors at
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