[Merge] Slow socket

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Tue Aug 15 08:09:51 BST 2006

On 14 Aug 2006, at 21:02, Robert Collins wrote:

> On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 19:24 -0700, Robey Pointer wrote:
>> This is kind of a side issue, and I don't mean to derail the patch
>> review, but didn't we recently discuss moving the test helper
>> classes
>> into a separate file?  sftp.py is already pretty cluttered with test
>> helpers.  I think this patch is an excellent excuse to move them to
>> a
>> new file.
> Bad Robey, no bikkie for you.
> Seriously, keep patches small and do 1 thing in each patch.
> Either move the content, merge to mainline. Then do this work,  
> merge to
> mainline.

Well that's hardly fair. :)  I don't think I've had a single patch go  
in without people requesting that I make unrelated changes "while the  
code is being touched"...  (Though this is probably also why I agree  
with the sentiment.)

Anyway, was there ever consensus on moving the test utility functions/ 
classes into a separate file?  I'd be willing to submit a patch on  
the sftp part of that.


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