bzr and ntfsmount (fuse) issues?

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Aug 7 01:36:00 BST 2006

On  6 Aug 2006, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
> Bob Tanner wrote:
> >Under XP using cygwin and snapshot I created a bzr repository.
> >Spending most of my time in Linux, I tried to fuse-mount my ntfs partition
> >and see if bzr from linux could work on the bzr repository that I created
> >under XP.
> >
> ># ntfsmount /dev/hdc1 /mnt/winxp -o fmask=0111,dmask=0,
> ># cd /mnt/winxp/<snip>/bzr-test
> ># bzr status
> >bzr: ERROR: exceptions.OSError: [Errno 95] Operation not
> >supported: 
> >'/mnt/winxp/<snip>/bzr-test/.bzr/checkout/stat-cache.9287.transmuter.tmp'
> >  at /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/ line 77
> >  in commit
> >
> >What I'm confused about is the location, see the bzr 
> >--version
> >below:
> To me, it actually looks like the drive is readonly. And we currently 
> have a bug that when running 'bzr status' in a readonly directory, it 
> tries to update the stat cache, and doesn't fail gracefully.

Perhaps chmod also fails if it can't represent the mode on NTFS?  (It
should be able to store it, but perhaps this implementation can't.)
That would seem a more likely cause for "not supported" (rather than
"read only").  We should probably just ignore that error from this


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