Question on GnuPG keys

John Whitley whitley at
Wed Aug 2 21:48:53 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Martin Pool's key that I have is A0B3E88B
> If I do a search for 'mbp at' I can see the key is  
> available
> on It happens to be the 6th key when searching for  
> just
> plain "Martin Pool".
> You also can't do 'gpg --search-key A0B3E88B' but you can do
> gpg --recv-key A0B3E88B

Thanks.  I now realize that gpg on Cygwin appears to be having issues  
with this key (e.g. it imports fine on OS X from    
Between that and various key searches failing I was misinterpreting  
Cygwin's failure.  I'll go dig to see if this bug needs reporting...

-- John

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