"Bazaar" - cleaned-up naming and branding

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Aug 1 21:17:27 BST 2006

Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> pe, 2006-07-28 kello 10:27 +1000, Martin Pool kirjoitti:
>>     "The naming of cats is a difficult matter"
>> Because of this project's genesis in baz[*], branding and naming has
>> been a bit unclear in the past.  Now we have a new web site and shiny
>> logo it's also a good time to clean up the naming.  The project is
>> "Bazaar", and the command is "bzr".
>>   http://bazaar-vcs.org/Branding
> I like the new looks of the website, but at first, I wondered why the
> new name of the project was "Bazaa".
> Turns out that on my relatively narrow screen (it's a small laptop...),
> with its corresponding relatively narrow web browser, the pictures/icons
> at the top sometimes overlap each other. Not sure of the best way to fix
> that, but it might be worthwhile to find a way, as soon as someone has
> the time. No biggie.

Yeah, it looks like there is a minimum size set (hence Bazaa instead of
Baza, or Baz, etc). That size just needs to be increased a bit so that
the final 'r' isn't cut off.

We could arguably increase it so that the tagline 'GPL Distributed
Version Control Software' also doesn't get cut off, but I think that is
less important than getting all of the right hand icons displayed.


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