[PATCH] win32 installer for bzr 0.9: rev.2

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Jul 27 16:10:51 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Robert Collins пишет:
>>> On Tue, 2006-07-25 at 18:08 +0300, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> ...
>>>> Also, I see that bzr has new icon. If this icon now is official bzr
>>>> icon then I need two scaled images (png is good enough) 32x32 and
>>>> 16x16 to make new bzr.ico for windows. Or (instead) I need
>>>> ready-to-use bzr.ico for windows with new style.
>>> Its still in progress - we needed something that worked on the website.
>>> What do you think of the icon on the website?
>> I like the new logo on the website (in upper left corner near 'Bazaar'
>> word). This image (black on yellow) very good to create icon from it.
>> It's should be very good readable even in small sizes.
>> I already sent request to Martin for this image (I cannot directly use
>> image from the site because it created with blue background in upper half).
> Well, the original was drawn by Matthew Nuzum who I'm CC'ing. He should
> have the source in .svg format, which should scale better than what I've
> done.
> But with a little bit of gimp foo, I've created a bunch of different icons.
> Some of them have a white background, some have a transparent
> background. Some go up to 128x128 pixels, other 64x64, others only 32x32.
> I went ahead and created a bunch of different variants, so that you
> could find out what windows supports in a reasonable way. I thought it
> supported >32x32, but it may only support 48x48. So you've got a lot of
> choices here.
> I don't know if you know gimp at all, but the .xcf are gimp files, which
> lets me create layers, and enable/disable specific layers to turn on/off
> the white background.
> Probably Matthew can do a better job, but as we need *something*...
> Anyway, I attached it to the Logo page here:
> http://bazaar-vcs.org/LogoOptions
> Or you can download it directly:
> http://bazaar-vcs.org/LogoOptions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=bazaar-logo.zip

Thanks, it's exactly what I need.
I have GIMP but I'm don't have black belt in gimp-fu.


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