[patch] bzrtools should not append to DEFAULT_IGNORE

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Jul 21 14:12:11 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

The attached patch is a fix for bzrtools to avoid the current
DEPRECATION warnings that we get since my ignore changes landed.

I'm not sure what Aaron's feelings are about compatibility. I think he
generally has a version that is compatible with the last release, and
another version that is compatible with the latest bzr.dev.

So I'm submitting 2 patches. The first is api compatible with bzr 0.8,
and with some of the intermediate bzr.dev releases.

The second is much smaller, and just removes all the compatibility stuff.

The second one will only work with bzr.dev > 1877, because that is when
'add_runtime_ignores' was added.

I do think that bzrtools would be better served by using
'add_unique_user_ignore', and only doing so when the shelf command is
actually used.

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