[MERGE] deprecated EmptyTree

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Fri Jul 21 05:48:01 BST 2006

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 10:46 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>> Robert Collins wrote:
>>>>> This patch deprecated EmptyTree, replacing all uses of it with a
>>>>> RevisionTree.
>>> I like the concept.  I don't like using Inventory this way, because it
>>> produces an Inventory with a tree root, and the NULL_REVISION doesn't
>>> have a tree root.
>> I take it back.  This is consistent with how we're behaving now.
> So you are +1 on this ?

Yes, I'm +1 on the whole thing.

I have some email troubles at the moment, so I may be laggy in the next
couple days.  However, if you need  to reach me,
abentley at panoramicfeedback.com should be fine.

To respond to your other email (Can you expand on this? When does a tree
get a root?):

In nested-trees, the empty tree has no root file-id.  The root id is
introduced by the first commit.  It must be introduced in the first
commit, because the inventory serializer throws an exception if there's
no root id.


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