Garbage in "bzr commit" output

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Jul 7 19:32:02 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Matthieu Moy пишет:
>>> For the commit interface, DVC (Emacs front-end) grabs the output of
>>> "bzr commit" and displays it in a buffer.
>>> A few revisions ago, this used to display all the garbage due to the
>>> progress-bar, but it seems bzr disabled the progress-bar probably
>>> because it was not writting to a tty.
> ...
>> I talk about this at least twice during last month. Sigh...
>> It's not only in commit output, but in diff also. And many many other
>> commands too.
> Sorry it took so long to get to. I only just started :) It has been in
> my todo list, but getting the win32 tests passing was on a higher priority.

+1, Thank you for doing this. It's works. I try to fix this myself, but 
can't because I miss something.

BTW, John can you merge into your latest patch for win32? I talk 
about patch in your win32 b\ranch, patch that fixes unicode tests with 
unicode a (with dots and circle) that cannot be distinguished on Russian 
FAT32? It's work OK and I think I give you +1 and for that patch too.


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