[PATCH] bzr whoami

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Fri Jun 30 01:01:05 BST 2006

On 29 Jun 2006, at 12:28, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

>> This brings up a question about workflow:
>> I tend to create these little branches for one feature or fix, do  
>> maybe
>> a half dozen commits on them as I respond to feedback, and then once
>> (if) they're merged, I blow them away.  Putting them in launchpad
>> implies (to me) that I'll keep these branches around for a while.
> Also, I should mention that the 'launchpad' plugin is now bundled with
> bzr, so registering a branch should be as simple as:
> bzr register-branch http://public/location --project bzr

Well in that case... done. :)

Hopefully there'll be a way to remove it later?

On 29 Jun 2006, at 12:38, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> I don't see why you'd make the effort of deleting branches.  Perhaps
> your are using a repository with --trees?  If the only way to keep  
> your
> workspace clean is to delete branches, I can understand why you would.
> I keep my repo separate from my checkout, so that I can do 'bzr  
> zap' on
> dormant checkouts to keep my workspace neat.

Right now I'm probably using repos in a weird way because I don't  
fully understand them.  I have a repo here:
and I keep branches here:
and when I create them, I go in and do 'bzr checkout' so they'll have  
a working tree.

Anyway part of the paradox of Robey is that my computer room is a  
giant pile of trash, but I'm really anal about keeping my disk  
organized and uncluttered.  I see 5-6 open bzr branches and think "I  
should clean these up and get them merged or delete them".  For no  
other reason than it starts to seem cluttered to me to have a handful  
of code folders that I'm not actively working in.


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