[BUG] (trivial) duplicate text in "bzr pull --help"
Erik Bågfors
zindar at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 09:21:22 BST 2006
> >
> > I'm glad I can help finding errors with my strange name :)
> >
> > /Erik
> >
> Your name has become the unicode detector. It is in the test suite, and
> is certainly the first one that cause all of our problems. :)
Haha, I never realized that I was that influential :)
> I'm glad to have you around so we aren't just claiming to support
> Unicode, we actually have proof. :)
Talking about proof.
The other day I had a situation, where I had done a merge, then was
going to commit it with "bzr commit". This tried to load the editor
and failed with the normal unicode errors. I then tried it with
bzr.dev and it worked!
I assume this is because of your encoding work. Great work, for me
(and most other none english speaking people) this is absolutely
essential. Therefore I would love to see a release asap with this bug
fixed (the bug being everything in your test-suite that fails in 0.8
:) )
I would love for this to be in dapper, since I think it can be
considered a essential bug fix, but I'm happy with a 0.9 that I can
install as well.
I also love the bundle work to be released asap as well. So maybe a
0.9 with these two things?
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