New Windows build w/ paramiko rev358?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Jun 23 06:11:43 BST 2006

Charles Duffy wrote:
> I have a friend (whose system is not easily accessible for providing
> over-the-shoulder style assistance) who's struggled most of this week
> with the issue described at
> This issue is fixed in the paramiko bzr repository at rev358. Since
> there are multiple folks experiencing this issue, is there any chance
> that a Windows build with an updated paramiko might make its way out?
> For that matter -- how is the Windows build built? Does it require
> anything unusual or unfree, or could I throw one together myself?

I thought it was all just python source.

The only problem being a dependency on pycrypto.

Which, while free, may have export restrictions. (If you google for it,
you can find windows binaries anyway.)


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