[MERGE] don't report malformed bundles as NotABundle

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jun 21 17:10:18 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hi all,
> This bundle fixes a regression in the bundle handling introduced by my
> recent refactoring.  The regression meant that NotABundle was raised for
> bundles with malformed headers, instead of MalformedBundle.
> This fixes the bug, and specifically ensures that bundles with crlf line
> endings do not cause NotABundle to be raised.
> Aaron


=== modified file bzrlib/bundle/serializer/__init__.py //
... @panoramicfeedback.com-20060621150240-f0e4981af656ddec
--- bzrlib/bundle/serializer/__init__.py
+++ bzrlib/bundle/serializer/__init__.py
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
         if m:
             version = m.group('version')
+        elif line.startswith(BUNDLE_HEADER):
+            raise errors.MalformedHeader()
         m = CHANGESET_OLD_HEADER_RE.match(line)
         if m:
             version = m.group('version')


I don't think 'assertNotRaises' is really what we want.
I think we want a fixed exception to be raised (MalformedBundle). As far
as the "doesn't raise anything" case, that is already handled by *not*
catching the exception at all.

+    def assertNotRaises(self, exception, callable, *args):
+        """A call may not raise the given exception.
+        It may raise a different exception, or no exception.
+        """
+        try:
+            callable(*args)
+        except exception:
+            self.fail("%s was raised." % exception.__name__)
+        except:
+            pass
     def _startLogFile(self):
         """Send bzr and test log messages to a temporary file.


+    def test_malformed(self):
+        self.assertRaises(BadBundle, read_bundle,
+                          StringIO('# Bazaar revision bundle v'))
+    def test_crlf_bundle(self):
+        self.assertNotRaises(NotABundle, read_bundle,
+                             StringIO('# Bazaar revision bundle v0.7\r\n'))

Here I think we want to 'assertRaises(BadBundle, ...)'

and then we wouldn't need this test.

+class TestAssertions(TestCase):
+    def test_assert_not_raises(self):
+        class OtherException(Exception):
+            pass
+        class ThisException(Exception):
+            pass
+        def raiser(arg):
+            if arg == "nothing":
+                return
+            if arg == "other":
+                raise OtherException()
+            if arg == "this":
+                raise ThisException()
+        self.assertNotRaises(ThisException, raiser, 'nothing')
+        self.assertNotRaises(ThisException, raiser, 'other')
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+            self.assertNotRaises, ThisException, raiser, 'this')
 class MetaTestLog(TestCase):

     def test_logging(self):


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