What is the managment overhead of decentrilized version control?

Ben Edwards (lists) lists at videonetwork.org
Tue Jun 20 10:06:56 BST 2006

I am currently evaluating bazaar.  From our perspective decentralised
version control is not really necessary, we are a software house mainly
developing Plone sites. From the perspective of a release manager I am
trying to work out what the management overhead is for bazaar and
decentralised version control in general and also what other benefits
bazaar may have for a organisation not needing centralised version

>From my understanding if you have say 3 developers working on a project
for a release they would all push there changes to what has been agreed
upon as the release branch and then someone has to merge the code in
this branch.  The subversion method would be people committing there own
work and doing the merge themselves.  Although this does mean they need
write access to the master repository at least the person doing the
merge understands the code.   

Peoples thoughts on this would be good, it would be great if people
could concentrate on this issue specifically, I am sure there are lots
of more general pros/cons threads;).



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