[BUG] cannot merge bundle if standalone branch was in shared repo

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Jun 18 20:42:15 BST 2006

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Aaron Bentley пишет:


> As you suggested, I patch bzr and run testament --strict --long against
> all copies of this branch (3 shared repo and one standalone branch). And
> have no diff between results.
> I'll prepare copy of this repo and send to John Meinel. It's about of
> 2MB in archive.

As it turns out, I tracked down the bug. Crappy, crappy bug. Took me way
too long to find. I had gotten the impression that it was not applying
the patches, but couldn't figure out why.
Eventually I tracked down the fact that we were using 'os.path.join'
instead of osutils.pathjoin(). So internally it wasn't seeing that the
files were patched, because it was noting: 'file/foo' was patched, but
checking whether 'file\foo' is patched when it went to compute the

The attached patch fixes this. Its actually a very simple fix, just a
subtle bug.

If I can get a +1 on this, I'll go ahead and merge the rest of my win32
fixes, along with Aaron's strict testament patch, and then I'll continue
working on win32 stuff.
If we can get it to the point that we don't have lots of test failures,
it becomes much easier to find these kinds of bugs.

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