A WebDAV Transport Layer

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Tue Jun 13 20:18:55 BST 2006

"Michael Robinson" <fractalgfx at gmail.com> writes:

> I was wondering how much interest there is in WebDAV support.  I have
> started working on a transport class to work with my NoDav project
> http://www.apeinspace.com/nodav/.  My WebDav client is too immature to be
> very useful, but if there interested I could probably produce a fully
> functional transport layer in the near future.

It would be very good to have this. WebDAV is usually the only
transport method allowing write access able to cross firewall + proxy.

Two collegues of mine would only be able to migrate from baz to bzr if
this feature gets implemented (I used to require it, but I left the
company with the proxy ;-) ).


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