[win32] selftest of latest bzr.dev with encodings improvements
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Sat Jun 10 10:43:29 BST 2006
John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> It's very good that encodings work finally lands into main bzr.dev.
>> But there is some minor issues with selftest:
>> 1) Added new test that invoke external editor and simply wait (it called
>> something like test_delete_commit_message -- I don't remember exactly).
>> Because it require of intervention of the user, I think it's prevent to
>> run selftest in automatic mode. Furthermore, I run selftest in separate
>> console window and then work on other tasks, because selftest took ~30
>> min on my machine. So I cannot configure that I need to do something
>> interactive. I think this test should be invoked explicitly via separate
>> command or something like 'bzr selftest --interactive-tests' but not in
>> automatic mode when overall selftest suite running.
> We definitely should not run any commands that require interaction in
> the default test suite.
> I'm not sure why on Linux we don't have this problem, but if you can
> give the exact test which is hanging, we will definitely fix that.
This test named
test_msgeditor.MsgEditorTest.test_deleted_commit_message. And this test
every time invoke external editor (that pointed in my $EDITOR
environment variable).
Here is log from this test:
FAIL: test_deleted_commit_message
vvvv[log from
relpath '.' => url '.'
converting os path '.' => url
created control directory in
creating repository in
creating branch <bzrlib.branch.BzrBranchFormat5 object at 0x0122FB70> in
got branch format Bazaar-NG Metadir branch format 5
got branch format Bazaar-NG Metadir branch format 5
opening working tree
failed to open
[Errno 2] No such file or directory:
write hc
write hash cache:
hits=0 misses=0 stat=0 recent=0 updates=0
wrote working inventory
wrote working inventory
wrote working inventory
wrote working inventory
^^^^[log from
Traceback (most recent call last):
"E:\work\Python\bzr\devel\bzr.dev\bzrlib\tests\test_msgeditor.py", line
130, in test_deleted_commit_message
self.assertRaises((IOError, OSError),
bzrlib.msgeditor.edit_commit_message, '')
AssertionError: (<class exceptions.IOError at 0x008B4720>, <class
exceptions.OSError at 0x008B4780>) not raised
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