[win32] selftest of latest bzr.dev with encodings improvements

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Jun 9 05:55:20 BST 2006

It's very good that encodings work finally lands into main bzr.dev.

But there is some minor issues with selftest:

1) Added new test that invoke external editor and simply wait (it called 
something like test_delete_commit_message -- I don't remember exactly). 
Because it require of intervention of the user, I think it's prevent to 
run selftest in automatic mode. Furthermore, I run selftest in separate 
console window and then work on other tasks, because selftest took ~30 
min on my machine. So I cannot configure that I need to do something 
interactive. I think this test should be invoked explicitly via separate 
command or something like 'bzr selftest --interactive-tests' but not in 
automatic mode when overall selftest suite running.

2) Almost all encoding tests failed on my russian windows machine, but 
tests for cp1251 (this is russian encoding) passed. Slightly strange and 

Result of selftest of bzr.dev r.1753

Ran 2634 tests in 2277.094s

FAILED (failures=102, errors=251)

I.e. failed more than 13% of tests.


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