[MERGE][RFC] further add performance improvements

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Wed May 31 01:46:37 BST 2006

On 23 May 2006, John A Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> I was very surprised to see that switching to a 2-line format
> drastically improved the performance.
> So I'm guessing we might want to revisit the implementation of rio.
> Having continuation lines really hurts its performance. Or at least, I
> was able to double its performance by using this:

Either revisit the implementation, or consider whether the inventories
(and in particular the working inventory) should be done through a
special case.  For example we know which fields can be unicode, which
can contain whitespace or unusual characters, etc.  We might as well
make use of this.   Now that the working tree, repository, etc are
versioned there is perhaps less need to have every single field
explicitly tagged.


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