[RFC/MERGE] Allow two plugins to register the same command.
John Arbash Meinel
john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed May 31 00:18:36 BST 2006
Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Michael Ellerman wrote:
>>> On 5/31/06, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:
>>>> So, the second one to be registered gets prefixed with the module name?
>>>> That seems unpredictable to me.
>>> Well it's unpredictable unless you have numbered names in your
>>> .bazaar/plugins. ie I have "01_shelf" and "02_bzrtools", so "shelve"
>>> is always from shelf and "bzrlib-plugins-bzrtools-shelve" is from the
>>> bzrtools version.
> So I'm not sure that we load plugins in a sorted order. I thought we
> just did 'os.list', which isn't always sorted.
> Also, AIUI, the directory names are supposed to be 'shelf' and 'bzrtools'.
I feel like we should probably have some way of handling cases like
this, where we might have a global plugin, and a user wants to override it.
We do use 'os.listdir()' while we are finding plugins. But once we have
found them all, we do "plugin_names = list(plugin_names);
And that is partially because we initially build them into a set, so
that we don't load something with the same name twice. (It helps in the
case you have a .py, .pyc and .pyo).
>>> The disambiguate/alias idea is interesting, and might be preferable.
>>> It certainly gives more flexibility, and would work for people who
>>> don't have control of the plugin directories (possibly on a shared
>>> install of bzr eg.) I'll think about it.
> Agreed.
>>>> Also, perhaps it's worth allowing all commands to be specified using the
>>>> module name.
>>> Just for completeness? Or do you have a use case where that would be
>>> useful? I can't think of one.
> Well, as a way to unambiguously specify a command. If you're writing
> scripts that may be used on various machines, with different sets of
> plugins, using the full module command name would ensure that the script
> behaved properly on all of them.
> Aaron
Except we still would expect things to be loaded into a particular
location. So if I install the plugin as 'bzrtools-ab'. Unless I miss
something about what Michael wrote, he should have 2 commands:
bzr shelve
bzr bzrlib-plugins-02_bzrtools-shelve
Also, the above plugin isn't strictly accessible from python. You can't
do "import bzrlib.plugins.02_bzrtools".
Because '02_bzrtools' is not a valid python variable.
You can do tools = __import__('bzrlib.plugins.02_bzrtools')
or tools = getattr(bzrlib.plugins, '02_bzrtools')
This came up a while ago, that Robert was thinking we may not want to
allow loading of plugins that aren't in valid python variable name
paths. I think a better solution is to have a plugin be able to define
its 'canonical' name, rather than just using the path it was loaded from.
In general, I'm -0 on having plugins automatically get their command
names decorated. But I do realize we need a way to solve the 2 plugins
providing the same commands issue. (My current method is that all
plugins I write are their own project, so I don't have the same
collection issue, but we shouldn't strictly require that).
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