[TERMINOLOGY] rename "changesets" to "revision bundles"

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Mon May 29 20:39:51 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

James Blackwell wrote:
>>What's interesting to me is that we don't seem to have a
>>generally-accepted short form of "computer" yet.  I was betting on
>>"puter", but perhaps Strong Bad's "compy" will win the day.
> How about PC? mac? box?

That's a point, though none of them have taken over the way "tv" or
"fridge" has.

>>But I think you're implying that we shouldn't use names that will be
>>shortened, and I don't think that's so.  Everyone knows that a tv is a
>>"television set", that a fridge is a "refrigerator".
> Heh. I didn't mean to imply that a long name shouldn't be used just
> because it'll inevitably be shortened anyways. I meant it more in the
> context of "what will it get shortened to", i.e., predicting what the
> future term will become.

Oh, I thought you were trying to come up with something short enough
that it wouldn't be further shortened.

>>I don't think calling them "revsets" will prevent shortening.  By
>>analogy with "changeset -> cset", they'd probably be called "rsets".
> Is the goal not to come up with a term that expresses the collection of
> multiple revisions without using just the term revisions? I can see your
> point about sets though. Though sets are collections, they can be
> geographically broken. Some of the hot actresses that I'd like to fu..^W
> have coffee with are in Hollywood, while others are in New York.
> imho there's no need for a term as concerns usability. "I mailed you my
> changes", "Send me your code", "Merge my mail" would all clearly indicate
> to me the operation that was being performed.

I think that there are usability concerns because
 - We need documentation that discusses how to generate and manipulate
these things; it's harder to do with no good name for them
 - People need a way to be able to say "Don't send me a patch, send me a
 - We need a file-format name to put in the header, where everyone will
see it.

> Developer discussions still
> have a need of a handle. The handle, if well chosen, could be adopted by
> users as well.
> What do you think about revpack? 

I like "pack"; it's got a noble history going back to at least DOOM.
I'd call it "revision pack" officially, and let people shorten it to
"revpack" or "rpack".  There's room for confusion with git's "pack"
files, but I

>>>I'll spare you any terms about portable containers. 
>>Aww.  And after you proposed "basket" for "repository"?
> I neither proposed nor defended it!

Oh, sorry.

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