[RFC] quickbranch

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Thu May 25 02:34:47 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Martin Pool wrote:
| On 24 May 2006, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:
| Well, like changesets, but possibly optimized more for compactness and
| fast random access to their contents, rather than human readability.
| Perhaps this is just a different format of changeset?  Or perhaps using
| them just as they now are would be a good first step.

I'm not sure why random access is desirable, but changesets definitely
aren't random-access-- almost all revisions depend on other revisions in
the changeset.  They're also slow when you have large numbers of
revisions.  (The scaling looks fine, they're just a bit slow.)  One
possible enhancement would be to use the patches directly to generate
the knits.

| I haven't reviewed the diff yet but from what I've seen so far of your
| updated w-changesets it looks good to review for merge soon.  What do
| you think?

John wanted to refactor the code.  If we review it now, and then he
refactors it, that review will become out of date.

| (See also at this point Robert's mail last night about the
requirements for
| different storage formats)

While I want to avoid having a multitude of formats, two repository
fragment formats, one for people and one for machines, may be justified.
~ OTOH, perhaps a tarred repository is a good machine-readable fragment

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