[RFC] Re: short and long log messages

Michael Ellerman michael at ellerman.id.au
Thu May 18 09:34:39 BST 2006

On 5/18/06, Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> wrote:
> I think making the first line be a single-sentence summary of <80
> characters is a good idea and should be the standard practice.  It's
> simpler than the arch approach, and commonly used (I think) by svn and
> hg.
> If this practice is adopted, then making log --line (and the
> pending-merge display in status) show only the summary would make sense.
> I wouldn't want to add another log format just for that; as Matthieu
> says it would be too many.
> So overall I'm in favour of merging this and documenting the convention.

+1 and +1 from me. Mostly it's an issue of discipline within a
project, but making the tool support that discipline is a good thing


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