[merge] FTP now has and passes regression tests

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu May 18 01:55:05 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 12:48 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Aaron Bentley wrote:
> > John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> >>> The branch is still at:
> >>> http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/branches/bzr/ftp-server/
> > 
> > I've managed to cut down medusa to a 105K ftp server, and integrated it
> > into bzrlib/util.  Branch is here:
> > 
> > http://panoramicfeedback.com/opensource/bzr/repo/ftp-server/
> > 
> > Aaron
> I think if we do it that way, we could also take some time and clean
> things up.
> First off, they use 'counter' because they don't want to worry about
> overflow. But with a newer python you can just do:
> >>> x = int(2**31-1)
> >>> x
> 2147483647
> >>> x += 1
> >>> x
> 2147483648L
> I don't know when python decided to do automatic upcasting, but
> certainly 2.4 has it.
> Second, the ftp_channel built into medusa doesn't support append or
> rename. Which I fixed by inheriting, and adding the support. On top of
> that, medusa objects automatically log through
> asyncore.dispatcher.log_info, which only prints to the screen. So I
> overrode them to use mutter(). Though really they should probably be
> using the logging module.
> I suppose we could just propose some patches and get amk to incorporate
> them.
> But I would agree, 100k isn't a big overhead in exchange for removing
> the dependency.
> So what do people think, should we incorporate medusa, and then move my
> workarounds into it?
> What I would really like to see is a semi-official bzr branch of the
> original medusa, and then we merge it into bzr and remove the
> unnecessary files. (By-value nested tree).

I'd rather not incorporate it by value. We have other external
dependencies required to run tests of specific transports - paramiko for
instance. I dont see how this is any different, and anyway you look at
it, we dont want to be maintaining an ftp server.

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