Problems with FTP transport in Bazaar-NG 0.8

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue May 16 16:04:39 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> Well, looking at the code in question, it would seem that medusa's
>>> ftp_server is actually mostly self contained.
>>> It is hard for me to say exactly what the dependencies are, but a lot of
>>> the dependencies seem like they could be removed, because it is mostly
>>> for giving 'nice' results.
> Medusa was the basis for anyncore/asyncchat, so it's quite possible that
> its FTP server can work with just that.
> Aaron

Well, I got a medusa based test server running here:

Of course, all the tests are failing :) but I'm working on that.


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