Problems with FTP transport in Bazaar-NG 0.8

Bob Tanner tanner at
Mon May 15 21:48:27 BST 2006

Michal Krenek wrote:

> FTP transport is really important for me and I know also many other people
> for which FTP transport is important. I think it would help Bazaar-NG
> adoption to have these issues fixed in 0.8.1.

I am thankful that ftp is -not- support because it finally gave me the ammo
needed to squash a clear text username/protocol on my network. 

I'm sure others will follow up, but my guess is no one really used ftp
anymore because of the security ramifications and the pita of
active/passive ftp on firewall configurations
Bob Tanner <tanner at>          | Phone : (952)943-8700, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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