confused by repositories

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at
Thu May 11 02:43:29 BST 2006

This one time, at band camp, Robert Collins wrote:
>So the compromise is that you can tell bzr you're offline, and if you
>forget to tell bzr it assumes you are online and attempts to push.

Ok.  I can cope with bzr assuming I'm online, and pushing; I guess what I'm
really interested in is what's going to happen if I'm offline and it tries
to push -- will the whole commit fail or will it behave as if I've used

Back in the day, I had a post-commit hook in baz and tla that would call
archive-mirror, and if I was offline it'd just fail the push noisily, but
next online commit it'd push up all the changes.  That's a scenario I'm
happy with.

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