confused by repositories

John Whitley whitley at
Wed May 10 02:40:10 BST 2006

Peter Amstutz wrote:
> $ bzr init-repo bzrbug

This line needs to be:

bzr init-repo --trees bzrbug

The "--trees" flag "Allows branches in a repository to have a working  
tree" per bzr help init-repo.  The idea is that a repository setup  
may be used solely for remote storage of multiple branches, which  
don't need working trees.  When used locally as you describe, "-- 
trees" is required to change this setting.

I've taken the liberty of filing this example as bug #43923 in Malone.

I note that does use  
the --trees option in its example, which is rather helpful in this case.

> And if this is supposed to fail, it needs a #$(*&$ing better error  
> message...

Agreed.  Is it possible to change the type of a repository via bzr  
after its creation, w.r.t. working trees?  That would make it rather  
easier to correct this problem if the user took the wrong path, as  
happened here.

Perhaps it would make sense to require an explicit option, one of "-- 
trees" or "--no-trees", for init-repo.  If neither is specified, bzr  
could dialogue with the user to inform them about the available choices.

-- John

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