bzr push in 0.8 + bzrtools

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue May 9 03:53:01 BST 2006

On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 11:11 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 09/05/2006, at 9:22 AM, Joseph Wakeling wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Does 0.8 allow for commands like,
> >
> > bzr push username at
> >
> > ?
> >
> > With 0.7 this is only possible with bzrtools, right?  Has 0.8 included
> > this functionality automatically or is it still bzrtools only?
> >
> > (The latter means I have to wait for bzrtools 0.8 to come out before
> > upgrading.:-)
> >
> > One extra thing.  Are there any special instructions for upgrading bzr
> > (e.g. is it necessary to delete the previous install) or can one just
> > run the install as if from scratch?
> You can push using sftp with
>    bzr push sftp://user@host/~/mydir
> or when bzrtools 0.8 is available, use
>    bzr rpush username at
> to push over rsync, which will be much faster.

its 'rspush' - Aaron chose a different name :). Also rspush does not,
and there are no plans to make it, support anything other than
standalone branches.


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