[rfc] Readonly/mirror branches

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Tue May 9 03:31:29 BST 2006

On 09/05/2006, at 8:58 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

> I'd like to just completely remove the 'push to the branch we bind to'
> logic.
> Given that we have bzr push and bzr commit both able to push into the
> master, it seems like bind is serving two masters : it is establishing
> the link, and it is performing update and push as well. I think bind
> should *just* establish the link - like unbind *just* breaks it.

That's probably simpler, but we should make it clear what happened.   
If there are new revisions there we should say something like

     Bound to http://fofofof/
     There are 12 new revision in there; use bzr update to bring them in

If they've diverged we should give an error as at present.

This also relates to the question of just what should be shown by log.


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