[rfc] Readonly/mirror branches

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon May 8 23:58:46 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 11:27 -0500, John A Meinel wrote:
> It is one that should be able to work for now. The bind() workaround
> could be handled by just checking what other.last_revision() is, and
> if
> it is == self.last_revision() you don't need to lock_write() and do
> the
> reverse pull.
> It is probably easier than handling the exception.
> The attached patch should handle the readonly but up-to-date issue,
> though we really need test cases, and probably better error handling. 

I'd like to just completely remove the 'push to the branch we bind to'

Given that we have bzr push and bzr commit both able to push into the
master, it seems like bind is serving two masters : it is establishing
the link, and it is performing update and push as well. I think bind
should *just* establish the link - like unbind *just* breaks it.


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