[BUG] Bind updates the branch, but not the working tree

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon May 8 19:03:41 BST 2006

Submitted as a bug report:

I just did a 'bzr bind' of a branch that was out of date. After binding 
'bzr log' claims to see all 13 revisions. And 'bzr st' says that 
everything is fine. However, none of the changes have actually been 
applied to my working tree. I still need to run 'bzr update'.

The bug is that "cmd_bind" only opens the respective branches, and not 
the working tree. And Branch.pull() only updates the branch information.

I'm not sure the correct place to fix this, since Branch isn't ever 
supposed to know about a working tree.

Would it be best to add a 'bind()' member to WorkingTree and have 
cmd_bind use that if possible?


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