missing signatures

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon May 8 02:27:05 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-06 at 23:14 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> In testing my 'bzr verify-sigs' plugin, I found that doesn't
> have as many signatures as it should. I'm also don't believe that it has
> all of Robert's signatures.
> Could we run "bzr pull-sigs" from my plugin:
> The basic problem is that merging from a branch doesn't pull in
> signatures for revisions that it already has. So 'pull-sigs' just forces
> it to check for any new signatures.

With knits this should be cheap : patches to fetch to grab signatures
for all revisions held locally might be a good idea... though there are
security ramifications too I guess.

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