questions from a new bzr user

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sat May 6 14:51:39 BST 2006

Ramon Diaz-Uriarte wrote:


> Yes and no. First, I had a harder time finding the documentation it in
> a single, unified place, in my first visits to the site.
> In addition, when browsing the lists I read issues/terms (e.g., knits)
> that I could not locate in the available help. Thus I had (still have)
> the feeling that there might be workflows/recommended procedures that
> I am not following. I understand some of these are related to newly
> available features (knits) but still, it made me feel like the  docs
> only scratch the surface of what is really available and that there is
> no systematic, comprehensive doc that shows whats in here.

I would definitely say the documentation hasn't kept up with the
development cycle. We've had a little bit of a catch-22. You don't
really want to give documentation for stuff that hasn't been released
yet, since the users can't actually do it.
But you would like to document all the nifty new things as soon as the
release goes "live".
And 0.7 => 0.8 does introduce a lot of new things, that really do change
the way you would work. (0.7 only had standalone branches, 0.8
introduces both knits and repositories)

> I think that comments similar to these ones have been made several
> times in the list.
> With regards to the current (2006-05-05, 19:30 local time in Spain)
> web page, I'd like to make two comments:
> 1.  <> takes you to a page where
> "IntroToBzr" is listed (and linked to) twice. This can be confussing
> (especially, when one needs to open a bunch of tabs to see most of the
> documentation).

I only found one link there, but it looks like it has been cleaned up

> 2. Moreover, "IntroToBzr" is also linked from
> <>, so the very same document
> actually appears three times.
> If I may, I'd suggest leaving "IntroToBzr" only in
> <> and deleting it from the
> tutorials page.

I'm not sure. I realize having Documentation => Tutorial =>
Introduction, and Documentation => Introduction is a bit redundant. But
if we can get Introduction really polished, I think it deserves some
extra recognition. Since it is meant to be an obvious point for people
to begin.

> Thanks! My apologies again for the inaccurate statements. I've tried
> to fix the page.

Not really a problem. Everyone has their own understanding of things. I
know I've been wrong about a few things too. I'm glad we had the chance
to clear things up.

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