Public Impressions

Wayne Davison wayned at
Fri May 5 19:59:17 BST 2006

On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 10:32:22PM +0800, Lalo Martins wrote:
> I have paramiko and pycrypto installed and tested on my windows python;
> and bzr doesn't complain that it needs paramiko.  But when I try a branch
> url with sftp:// it gives me an error message that sounds like it's trying
> to use the url as a local filename.

This was just happening to me a few minutes ago.  I had installed the
python-paramiko package on my Debian etch machine, which installed the
python2.3-paramiko package (which is the default python on the machine).
However, bzr is apparently using python 2.4, so I had to install
python2.4-paramiko before bzr would stop treating the sftp://... URL
as a relative filename path.


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